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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2001-08-09  |  89KB  |  600x517  |  16-bit (13,741 colors)
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OCR: App Center Server E-Mail.doc Microsoft Word -0x Ed Yiew Insert Format Tools Table Window Help CSend Copy Options... Boc From Subject Hello m name [Inser Sales Representative Name here] I represent [Insert vou comp any name here] in you area. [Insert 2 sentences with company herel It's no secret that more and more companies are relying on Web servers to wide range of services to customers business partners and end-users To IT organizations the growth this area has presented some real challenges when comes to efficiently extending pue managing this part of your infrastructure 'd like to take few moments to tell you about Application Center 2000 a new product that makes easier create and administer Windows 2000-based Web server farms Companies youve heard nt like Barmes anc Noble Lycos.com an ...